The Discovery Zone Terms & Conditions

Booking Information  

Stand sizes are 6m x 6m and include one vehicle per stand, show entry is for maximum of 2 adult occupants per vehicle and will include an exhibitor car pass for the Discovery Zone. Any additional adults or children aged between 4-15 must purchase separate General Entry tickets and bring them on the day, children under 4 are free. Tickets are non-refundable. 

Stands must only be occupied by the booker and must not be sublet or reallocated to a third party. Please ensure the stand is manned at all times. 

The Discovery Zone is for the purposes of display, interactive engagement with visitors and brand awareness, selling products or services is not permissible in this zone. Please find more information about a market stand to in order to sell products. 

HMM (Haynes Motor Museum) are not responsible for any loss or damage to the stand or exhibitor’s property whilst on site. There will be no camping facilities or dedicated areas provided. 

One QR code will be issued per stand, the primary booker will receive in their confirmation email. Please ensure this is available for staff to scan on the day of the event.  

Entry and exit times  

You will be able to gain access from 8.00am until 09.30am. You will not be able to break down or exit before 4pm.  

Vehicles must adhere to any restricted access times, speed limits and or pedestrian only areas, implemented during the course of the event, emergency vehicles are exempt from this clause.  

Vehicles must be driven into the site, trailers, lorries or towing vehicles are not permitted.   

Health and Safety  

Gazebos are permitted on site and must be erected within your allocated stand, please ensure gazebos are weighted appropriately (please note we do not provide weights for equipment). We also do not provide tables, chairs or electric. BBQs are not permitted on site.  

Should you have power requirements please arrange with a member of the HMM event team prior to the event date, every effort will be made to accommodate requests. Generators are at the discretion of the HMM event team and must be agreed in advance. 

Please be aware all items including any refuse generated by your stand must be taken on the day of the event prior to 6pm.   

Public liability insurance and a risk assessment must be provided upon booking and received prior to the event date.  

Equipment / stock  

HMML cannot accept delivery of equipment or stock in advance of the event date/s. No items to be left onsite at the end of an event. No arranged courier collections are permissible.  

Stand Allocation  

Stands will be allocated pitches on the day of the event. 

The final positioning of Exhibitors will be entirely at the discretion of HMM and we reserve the right to reposition any stand at any time before or during the event.  


No placard or advertisement is to be affixed to any part of the site. 

Advertising by means of aircraft, loudspeakers, captive balloons, blimps, trailing banners over or in the immediate vicinity of the site is not permitted. 

Hot air balloons and/or any unauthorised radio-controlled aircraft/unmanned aerial vehicles of any sort, either taking off within the vicinity of the site or flying less than 2500 feet above the site or its car parks are strictly prohibited. Drone activity is not permitted on the event day. 


The John Haynes Classic event is a fundraising opportunity for Haynes Motor Museum and therefore HMM does not permit any form of charity fundraising, donation collection, or solicitation on-site for other charity organisations. Exhibitors, vendors, and attendees are strictly prohibited from engaging in any activities related to charitable donations, including but not limited to cash collections, raffles, auctions, or promotional fundraising for charitable causes other than the Museum.  


Should an exhibitor wish to cancel a booking, notification of cancellation must be received in writing. 

If a Force Majeure Event arises, every effort will be made to rearrange the date of the event and payments will be transferrable to new dates or refunded.